Hormozgan Cement Company’s Environmental Approach

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Pirasteh (Environmental Consultant)
Hormozgan Cement Company, being inspired by Article 50 of the Constitution of the Islamic Rep. of Iran, has placed the environment protection as a priority in its programs within framework of a religious and moral responsibility and with this belief, has embarked on benefitting from the services of the environmental consultant of the managing director and on holding regular meetings of the specialized environment protection committee in the factory with presence of the managing director and all relevant manager. In the 27th meeting of specialized environment committee of Hormozgan Cement Company, which was held in December of the current year, following the passed resolutions for purpose of implementing the environmental considerations of the factory and in line with the realization of the Green Industry and selected project of the province, while reviewing the corrective environment activities for the factory, project of comprehensive studies on environmental management of the factory and related mines (EMP,EMS) and implementation of the guidelines emphasized by consulting engineers, were considered, aiming at the realization of the visions mentioned in the outlook document of the Islamic Rep. of Iran.
Undoubtedly, by implementation of the 20 plans of corrective environmental activities, it is hoped that this large industrial unit located in the Ever-Standing Persian Gulf coasts of Iran, turns out to be a superior and environment-friendly unit.
Obviously, the fundamental factor in the formation of such attitude, is the firm belief of the managers and colleagues in the environmental management of the factory, parallel with the industrial goals and coordination with the nominal capacity and clean production achievement programs.

We hereby refer to some of the proposed plans which were carried out in the meetings of the specialized environment protection committee of the factory under management of the senior officers and by the sincere cooperation of all colleagues, or the programs which are in process of completion:
• Preparation of comprehensive environment management plan of the factory and the related mines (EMP, EMS)
• Execution of corrective projects in the operation of elector-filters in a manner that the output of chimneys will provide some figures much lower than the approved standards of the Environment Protection Organization.
• Implementation of the program of amendment of the consumption pattern and optimization of energy consumption for purpose of achievement of the company’s ideal goals.
• Implementation of the project online monitoring and connection to the inclusive monitoring network of the Environment Protection Organization.
• Allocation of 25% of the land to green space and annual development of the factory’s undisputed lands.
• Implementation of pressurized irrigation projects, aiming at economization in water consumption.
• Pathology, follow-up and scientific planning for purpose of implementation of HSE system and gradual reduction of the discrepancies related to the environment, safety & health divisions of the factory while benefitting from knowledgeable consultants.
• Correction of the situation of the hygiene sewage filtration system of the factory, meeting the approved standards and using the produced waste water for purpose of irrigation of the factory’s green space.
• Preparation & execution of comprehensive environment educational plan of the company in 5-year periods and on man-day –hour basis in different levels of managers & engineers-laborers and neighboring communities, with cooperation of the general environment department of the province.
• Follow-up and implementation of the sewage filtration project of the guest house complex in Bandar Khamir City for purpose of using the produced waste water and economization in water consumption.
• Implementation of joint environmental research projects with cooperation of the general environment protection department of the province, such as study of the tolerance situation of mangroves and protection of a rare specie of black bear in living environments of the south of the country.
• Participation in the training programs and environmental occasions of the country with coordination and cooperation of the general environment protection department of the province.
• Supply of industrial dust sweeping machine, aiming at the improvement of the air situation of the environment & meeting the approved standards.
• Implementation of the desalination project at high expense for purpose of protection of the regional dry environment of “Kahourestan” area which supplies the different uses of the factory since many years ago, by the transfer of the water of the purchased wells.
• Implementation of the special and ordinary waste management plan and promotion & training and implementation of the project of separation from origin, for purpose of realization of the green management objectives.
• Endeavor for purpose of continuation of obtaining the ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18000 credits, which are mainly connected with the company’s environmental goals.
• Implementation of programs related to protection of landscape and improvement of the landscape view.
• Implementation of the considerations mentioned in Article 190 of the 5th development plan law of Islamic Rep. of Iran in line with the objectives of the green management.
• Development of environmental plans for strategic management goals of the company in line with realization of industrial goals.
• Establishment of specialized environment protection committee of the factory with presence of the company’s officers and leading the programs by the company’s environment consultant of the company and planning for purpose of presence of the director general of environment of the province and the related colleagues at least once a year for transparency of programs and criticizing the issues by the environment department of the province, which, this movement seems to be unique in Hormozgan Province.

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